Helping You Be the Church Right Where You Are

What Is a Learning Community?
We see a learning community as something a bit different than churches you are used to, but with similar goals. We recognize that you may already have a connection to a traditional or contemporary church, but we also understand that you may be looking for a different way to connect with others or grow in your faith.
You may want more spiritual knowledge that’s not limited to one perspective or one building. You may want a community that looks at life beyond Sunday morning or small group. As powerful as today’s church experience can be, we have found that a weekly service or Bible study, even with a moving message and/or worship music, isn’t designed to give you all the tools you need to live an integrated life as a Christ follower in today’s world. We understand that it can be challenging to grow more deeply in your faith without additional help.
343 Ministries is a learning community that creates safe and dynamic spaces for people to exchange ideas and knowledge in creative and innovative ways. These opportunities are thoughtfully designed in order to help you discover your place in God’s world and experience the best of what God has created for you in Christ.
Whether it’s in an in-person gathering or service opportunity, a holiday celebration, some kind of creative class, or a virtual learning opportunity, we hope you will find a place in this community that helps you grow deeper in your faith so that you can be the church right where you are.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, this community is made up of people, like you, who want to find a new path for exploring and refining their beliefs in Christ in more meaningful and actionable ways.
Here are a few ways to get started! Subscribe to our Newsletter and Monthly Email List HERE, and start listening to the 343 Ministries Podcast HERE.