Helping You Be the Church Right Where You Are
We met years ago working in ministry together. From Atlanta to Dallas (for college and seminary) and back again, we have always had something to talk about. We worked together for years. We often interrupt each other when telling stories. And we actually still do laugh at each other's jokes! Occasionally.
Since before we got married we've experienced a lot of ups and downs. At weddings we both are reminded of the hopefulness of the future, in not knowing all that lies ahead. For us, there have been many moments in which we felt all we had to hope in was Christ.
We’ve spent years working with adults, youth and kids, in teaching, in music, leading groups large and small, choir tours, retreats, silly videos...and we’ve loved every minute! Then God gave us the simultaneous gifts of a long-awaited little boy and unexpected job changes. So, naturally we decided to start a church, probably because we didn't know what else to do. But for some reason it just didn't feel right. We certainly felt God's calling to create something, but what was it supposed to be?
What was actually missing from church for us? At least, that's the question we had been asking ourselves for years. But we started to realize that wasn't the right question. The better question for us has become 'what is our role within God's church?' And we've been discovering that our role is something like a Learning Community. We know that spiritual life starts with an informed faith, a connected community, and an every day mindset toward God.
Now, as a family and as a ministry, our calling is to be a Learning Community helping others discover how to ‘be’ the church in unique ways, right where they are. We want to help you do the same!
We hope you'll follow along with us, wherever you are. After all, wouldn't our world look a little different if we all loved others the way Jesus did?

Like most of us,
we're on a journey.
Along the way,
we began noticing
that something was
missing from church.

Meredith earned a Bachelor's degree from Southern Methodist University's Meadows School of the Arts in vocal performance. In addition to co-founding 343 Ministries, she serves as the Director of 343 Ministries, is the creator and innovator of Music in My Little Heart, and was the Director of Children's and Youth Choirs at Northside United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA for 13 years.
Todd earned a Bachelor's degree from the University of Georgia and a Master's degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. In addition to co-founding 343 Ministries and founding the Todd Baker Coaching Center, he serves as the lead pastor of 343 Ministries and was the Director of Young Adult Ministries at Northside United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA for 11 years.